Tool Room
Tool Room

The tool room section is an important department within a manufacturing facility that is responsible for designing, manufacturing, and maintaining various types of tools, dies, jigs, and fixtures that are used in the production of various metal products. The tool room section typically consists of a team of skilled technicians, engineers, and designers who work together to create high-quality tools that are essential for the manufacturing process.

Some of the main responsibilities of the tool room section include:

  1. Designing and Manufacturing of Tools and Dies: The tool room section designs and manufactures tools and dies that are used to shape, cut, and form various metal components.
  2. Repairing and Maintaining Tools and Dies: The tool room section is also responsible for repairing and maintaining the tools and dies to ensure that they are in good working condition and are always ready for use.
  3. Creating Jigs and Fixtures: The tool room section also creates jigs and fixtures that are used to hold and position components during manufacturing processes.
  4. Continuous Improvement: The tool room section is always looking for ways to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of their tools and processes. They may explore new materials, design methods, or technologies to improve the quality and performance of their tools.

The tool room section's expertise and skill are vital to manufacturing success as they create and maintain high-quality tools necessary for metal product production, playing a critical role in the overall manufacturing process.


The tool room category refers to the different types of tools and equipment that are designed and manufactured by the tool room section in a manufacturing facility. These tools and equipment can be categorized based on their function, size, and application. Here are some common categories of tools and equipment that are typically found in a tool room:

  1. Cutting Tools: This category includes tools such as drills, taps, reamers, and milling cutters that are used to cut and shape metal components.
  2. Forming Tools: This category includes tools such as dies, punches, and bending tools that are used to form and shape metal components.
  3. Jigs and Fixtures: Jigs and fixtures are tools that are used to hold and position components during the manufacturing process. They are designed to improve the accuracy and efficiency of manufacturing processes.
  4. Gauges and Measuring Instruments: This category includes tools such as micrometres, vernier callipers, and dial indicators that are used to measure and inspect the accuracy of metal components.
  5. Special-Purpose Tools: This category includes tools and equipment that are designed for specific applications or tasks. For example, wire drawing dies, extrusion dies, and roll forming tools are all examples of special-purpose tools.

Categorizing tools based on function and application enables the tool room to supply manufacturing operations with the necessary equipment for their specific needs, ensuring success in production processes.

Die Trial Requisition

A Die Trial Requisition is a document that is used to request the use of a specific die or set of dies for a production trial run. It is typically used by the production department to request the use of a die from the tool room or maintenance department for a specific production job.

The Die Trial Requisition will typically include the following information:

  1. Die number and Description: The requisition will include the number and description of the die or set of dies that are being requested.
  2. Production Order Number: The production order number for the job for which the die is required.
  3. Quantity Required: The number of components that need to be produced using the die.
  4. Material Specification: The specification of the material that will be used to produce the components.
  5. Date Required: The date when the die is needed for the production run.
  6. Special Instructions: Any special instructions or requirements for the use of the die.

The tool room/maintenance department reviews the Die Trial Requisition, checks die availability and condition. If available, it's prepared and delivered to production for trial. Afterward, it's inspected and maintained if needed.

Die Issue

Die Issue refers to the process of providing a specific die or set of dies to the production department for use in the manufacturing process. The die issue process involves a number of steps to ensure that the die is available, in good condition, and ready for use.

The die issue process typically includes the following steps:

  1. Die Inspection: The die is inspected to ensure that it is in good condition and meets the required specifications for the production run.
  2. Die Preparation: The die is prepared for use, which may involve cleaning, lubrication, and other steps to ensure that it is ready for the production process.
  3. Die Transportation: The die is transported from the tool room or maintenance department to the production department.
  4. Die Issue Documentation: The die issue is documented, including the die number, the production order number, the quantity of components to be produced, and any other relevant information.
  5. Production Run: The die is used in the production process to manufacture the required components.
  6. Die Return: After the production run is complete, the die is returned to the tool room or maintenance department for inspection and maintenance, if necessary.

The die issue process is an important part of the manufacturing process, as it ensures that the necessary tools are available for production and that they are in good condition to produce high-quality components.

Die Receive

Die Receive refers to the process of receiving a specific die or set of dies that have been used in the manufacturing process and returning them to the tool room or maintenance department for inspection, maintenance, and storage until the next use.

The die receive process typically includes the following steps:

  1. Die Transportation: The die is transported from the production department to the tool room or maintenance department.
  2. Die Inspection: The die is inspected to ensure that it is in good condition and meets the required specifications.
  3. Die Maintenance: If necessary, the die is serviced or repaired to ensure that it is ready for the next production run.
  4. Die Storage: The die is stored in a secure location until it is needed for the next production run.
  5. Die Receive Documentation: The die receive is documented, including the die number, the production order number, any issues found during the inspection or maintenance process, and any other relevant information.

The die receive process is vital for maintaining and preparing tools for future production runs, identifying and addressing die issues before affecting component quality, ensuring a smooth manufacturing process.

Drawing Register

A Drawing Register is a document that contains a list of all the drawings that are used in a particular project or manufacturing process. The Drawing Register is typically maintained by the engineering or design department, and it serves as a central reference point for all the drawings associated with the project or process.

The Drawing Register typically includes the following information:

  1. Drawing Number: A unique number assigned to each drawing for easy identification and reference.
  2. Drawing Title: A brief description of the contents of the drawing.
  3. Drawing Date: The date that the drawing was created or last updated.
  4. Revision Number: A unique number assigned to each revision of the drawing to track changes over time.
  5. Status: The current status of the drawing, such as "in use" or "obsolete".
  6. Location: The physical location of the drawing, such as a file cabinet or computer server.
  7. Issued To: The person or department to whom the drawing was issued.

The Drawing Register is crucial in engineering and design, ensuring uniformity and use of latest revisions. It facilitates tracking drawing locations for easy access when required, promoting efficient collaboration and documentation management.

Die Master

A Die Master is a master die or mould used in the manufacturing process, which is kept and maintained in the tool room department. The Die Master is typically used to create duplicate dies or moulds for use in production, as well as to perform repairs and maintenance on existing dies.

The Die Master is typically made of high-quality materials, such as steel or aluminum, and is designed to produce accurate and consistent results over many uses. It is stored and maintained in a secure and controlled environment in the tool room department, where it can be easily accessed when needed.

In the tool room department, specialized technicians use the Die Master to create duplicate dies or moulds through the process of die or mould replication. This process involves creating a negative impression of the Die Master in a material such as sand or silicone, and then using this negative impression to create a positive impression in a material such as metal or plastic. The resulting duplicate die or mould is then used in production to create components or products.

The Die Master ensures availability and good condition of tools for uninterrupted production. It enables easy replacement of damaged dies and promotes consistency in products, minimizing defects and errors for improved manufacturing efficiency.

Tooling Item

Tooling Item refers to any item or tool used in the manufacturing process, including dies, moulds, jigs, fixtures, cutting tools, and gauges. These tooling items are used to shape, form, and cut raw materials such as metal, plastic, or wood into finished products.

Tooling items are an essential part of the manufacturing process, as they allow for the efficient production of high-quality components and products. They are designed to be durable and precise, with tolerances and specifications that must be maintained to ensure the desired results.

Tooling items are typically stored and maintained in a specialized tool room department, where they can be easily accessed and used as needed. The tool room department is responsible for creating and maintaining tooling items, as well as performing repairs and modifications when necessary.

Effective tooling management is crucial for maintaining quality and efficiency in the manufacturing process. It involves careful planning and replacement of worn-out tooling items to ensure their availability and good condition for uninterrupted production.

Tooling Receive and Inspection

Tooling Receive and Inspection is a critical process in the manufacturing industry, where incoming tooling items such as dies, moulds, jigs, and fixtures are received, inspected, and verified to ensure that they meet the required specifications and standards. The process typically involves the following steps:

  1. Receiving: The tool room department receives the tooling items from the supplier or manufacturer, and the items are inspected to ensure that they match the specifications outlined in the purchase order.
  2. Visual Inspection: The tooling items are visually inspected for any signs of damage or wear and tear that could affect their performance or longevity. This includes checking for cracks, chips, or other defects that may compromise the integrity of the tooling items.
  3. Dimensional Inspection: The tooling items are inspected to verify that they meet the required dimensions and tolerances. This involves using precision measuring tools such as micrometres, callipers, and gauges to ensure that the tooling items are within the specified range.
  4. Documentation: The inspection results and other relevant information are recorded in a tooling inspection report or similar document, which serves as a record of the inspection process and the status of the tooling items.
  5. Acceptance or Rejection: Based on the inspection results, the tooling items may be accepted or rejected. If the tooling items do not meet the required specifications, they may be returned to the supplier for repair or replacement.

After receiving tools, conducting a thorough inspection is vital for a smooth and efficient manufacturing process that minimizes downtime, quality issues, and safety hazards by avoiding the use of faulty or damaged tooling items.


Nitriding is a surface hardening process used to improve the surface properties of materials, particularly metals. It involves the diffusion of nitrogen into the surface of the material, which creates a hard, wear-resistant layer. Nitriding is commonly used to increase the durability and lifespan of metal components that are subjected to wear, friction, and other types of surface damage.

The nitriding process is typically carried out in a specialized furnace or chamber, where the material is exposed to a nitrogen-rich environment at high temperatures (usually between 500 and 1100 °C). The nitrogen atoms diffuse into the surface of the material, creating a layer of nitrides that increases the surface hardness, wear resistance, and fatigue strength of the material.

There are several different types of nitriding processes, including gas nitriding, plasma nitriding, and salt bath nitriding. Each method has its own advantages and limitations, depending on the specific requirements of the application.

Nitriding is widely used in the automotive, aerospace, and manufacturing industries, where it is applied to a variety of components, including gears, bearings, pistons, and dies. It provides a cost-effective way to improve the surface properties of materials, without affecting their bulk properties or requiring significant changes to the manufacturing process.